Beacon photo page's by Johan Veldhuis.

Cazaux NDB CAA, 4 August 2010

During the French course, one of Wim's fellow students pointed out on Wim's overview map where he spends his holidays. That is close to two beacons, of which this beacon is one.

Wim's fellow student had captured BRS perfectly, but not CAA. On August 3, Wim arrived at Cazaux and made a few attempts along the west side. Unfortunately, no beacon to be seen and Wim spent the night at a local campsite. The next morning, an attempt was made to see something on the east side of the air base. What Wim saw was a lot of trees and bushes and a beautifully raked strip of sand on both sides of the fence. Every footprint on it would be clearly visible. There was no way to get this beacon in the middle of the terrain in the picture.
This beacon is not in the GEN 2.5 list of 2024.

4 August 2010
photo locator BRS 08-2010
The raked strips of sand.

map locatie CAA