Not far from Châteauxdun, along the D955 to Orleans, lies an air force base. Here, there is an NDB and a VOR/DME. As is often the case in France, the base is not only shielded from the outside world by a fence, but also by an earthen wall. It was not easy to photograph the beacons here.
For the NDB, GPS Miss Mio sent Wim to the rear of the base where no NDB could be seen.
By taking bearings with the loop antenna, driving back a bit and taking bearings again,
Wim came to a place where a photo could be taken with the large telephoto lens.
But Wim is stubborn. He sees a road running between the NDB and that place.
A road that turns out to be a new section of the ring road around Châteauxdun.
He looked for that road, put the car on the hard shoulder and quickly took a few photos.
And looked carefully again. Finally he came to a small industrial estate,
squeezed between the ring road, the D955 and the base.
And at the back of that industrial estate he could take the last pictures.
This beacon is not on the GEN 2.5 list for 2024.
NDB CDN, August 1st 2009.
CDN from road side.
CDN from industrial estate.