Route from MC to LPD, ca 19.6 km – 22 min.
Start in direction north to the D114, after 200 metres you turn left onto the D114.
After 1.1 km turn left onto the D40/D916/Rue des Remparts and follow this road 12 km, going straight over one roundabout.
Turn left onto D147/Rue du Pontop and drive on the D147 for 600 metres to 3rd turn to the right onto the D247.
After 2.5 km follow road to D7a.
Drive 1.2 km and at Les Buges turn left and drive for 1.6 km.
Then turn right and the beacon is after 200 metres at the LHS
This beacon is not in the GEN 2.5 list of 2024.
locator LPD, August 3, 2009.