Wim wrote in his travel report:
I got an idea last night. Today we have two new beacons, or rather, they are not on the Jeppesen maps.
My GPSs want degrees and minutes, Johan's latest list gives degrees, minutes and seconds.
I calculate the seconds to minutes to 3 decimal places.
Via Google Earth I know that I have fairly exact coordinates.
Wurzburg is quite a distance from Heilbronn, but without major problems we get close to the beacon. And now let's see what Miss Garmin says.
When I stand in front of the gate I still have to go 1 meter forward and a few meters to the left where the VOR is. In short, Mission 1 of today was a success.
This beacon is not on the GEN 2.5 list of 2024.
WUR, September 8, 2017.
surroundings WUR.